Amazing Nutella and Banana Crepes :)

So I Fell Asleep on the Way Back and They Took The Picture Perfect Photo-Opp. Thanks Guys!

Downtown at Night

This Crazy Old Man Was Speaking to Me in French. (I'm pretty sure he was wondering if I was going to take off my top like every other French woman on the beach. Excusez-moi!!)

Cappucino's Every Morning :)


On Our Way!!

We Got Gelato and They Put It In The Shape of a Rose. I Thought It Was Cute :)

Famous Flower Market That Takes Place Every Morning

Beach, Beach, Beach!

Beautiful Water Fountains Everywhere

Downtown Square
Wow! I don't even know where to begin. This weekend I went to Nice, France with 7 other friends and had an absolute blast!! We left on a morning train at 7am out of Lausanne and arrived in Nice around 2pm. Our hotel was walking distance from the train station and for the price we paid for it I wasn't complaining. Definitely not a 5 star but good enough for two nights. The first thing we saw when arriving in Nice was the amazing beaches. Nice is in the South of France and is a little beach town on the Mediterranean. If I had to compare it to another place I would say it is like the Hawaii of Europe. The water was so blue and clear and filled with speed boats and yachts. I took many pictures but they don't do it any justice. The whole time we were there all we ate were paninis, crepes and gelato! The food was so expensive but well worth it. We went out to a nice dinner and club one of the night and we met some really nice guys from Holland, Italy and England. We were only there for 2 full days and left Sunday morning. I definitely wish we could have spent more time there, it was so beautiful. This upcoming weekend are taking a trip to Milan, Italy (hopefully) so I'm looking to top the last weekend but I'm not sure that will be very easy.
I never made it to Nice, but it looks amazing! I'll definitely have to hit it up when I go back...whenever that will be! : )