All the girls who got their ears pierced.

Getting my ears pierced. Eek!!
Thought I would capture the French flag in there for extra effect :)
Tunnel in the Caverns.
The village from atop the mountain.
Swimming hole where an octopus attached itself to Michelle's leg. Absolutely freaky and disgusting, so glad it wasn't me!
Swimming Hole.
View from where we ate lunch.
The small village we stopped at.
Some of the Rocks and Caverns we pulled into.
Josh Currie.
Off the Back of the Boat on Friday.
The Girls.
Beachside in Corsica.
Napoleon himself.
Napoleon's Mother's Room. Reminded me of my mom's room.
Napoleon Bonaparte's House
Beautiful Sunset from Ship.
Port in Marseilles. View from ship.
Palais des Papes
Palais des Papes
Avignon, France. I was freezing so he lent me his beanie, I'm not sure how well it worked out though, haha!
We met in the lobby of our building at butt-crack of down (4:30am)!!! Two buses picked up our group and set out on our 7 hour journey to Avignon, France. We arrived in Avignon around 11am to tour the Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes). During the 1300's the popes relocated to Avignon to escape the violent chaos in Rome. Many Popes lived in the palace up until 1377 when they went back to Rome. We took a walking tour through the palace and a little bit around the town. If the weather had been better it would have been enjoyable, but it was hard to focus on anything when it was about 45 degrees plus heavy winds. I was so glad I had a long sleeve shirt and scarf on. Some girls had expected the weather to be warmer and were in shorts and shirts...I would have died! After touring the palace we went to a group lunch at a nice restaurant in town. They served chicken (just like every other meal here) so of course I had the vegetarian meal. It was so amazing though!! Penne pasta with pesto sauce, sun dried tomatoes, snap peas, green beans and olives all mixed into one! Mmmmm. After lunch we headed back to the buses for another 3 hour drive to Marseilles to catch the ferry to Corsica. We had been told that we were taking an overnight ferry to Corsica, and that we had cabins with beds to sleep in for the night. However, they didn't tell us we would be taking something close to a cruise ship! When we pulled into the port to board the ferry we were staring at what looked like Queen Mary..Ok. Maybe not quite like the Queen Mary, but it was the nicest and biggest ferry I had ever seen. We boarded around 7pm and after getting settled in had dinner on the boat. I took a Dramamine before getting on so that I wouldn't get sea sick and would be able to sleep easier. It definitely did the trick because I was zonked out before we even left port.
We arrived at 7am on the ferry in Corsica and once again our trusty buses took us to our hotels. The group was so large that we had been split up into 2 different hotels that were about 15 minutes apart. One was right on the water, and the other was directly in the center of town. Although the seaside one would have been nice, I was satisfied with ours being in the middle, it meant that everyone had to walk to us! Our hotels offered buffet breakfasts in the morning which were amazing. I actually ended up taking food from breakfast in my purse to last me until lunch so that I didn't waste money on snacks. In the afternoon, we toured the house of Napolean Bonaparte. He was born in Corsica and lived there unitl he was 9 years old. Nothing too special, but believe or not it was the only claim to fame that Corsica has so of course they took it and ran with it. Everything in town is named after Napolean. Our hotel was Hotel Napolean, the restaurants were Restuarant Napolean, I mean you can see where I'm going with this. It was a little bit ridiculous, but to each their own I guess. Not much to talk about or Wednesday, just went back to the hotel and had some bonding time with other students. Why is it that when you travel with people you always become close with them? Weird concept.
After another amazing breakfast in the hotel we boarded our buses once again for a 3 hour drive into the center of the island to a place called Corte. It is a university town of supposedly one of the most historic universities of the island. Again the weather was not permutable for much enjoyment with low temperatures and wind chill. We spent most of the day in museums and shops except for the trolly/train ride we took around the town. It was buried into the mountains and was actually a very quaint, pretty town. To get to the town we had a 3 hour bus ride up a mountainside. It was just as intense as driving to Big Bear. Now imagine that drive on a huge tour bus, you can only imagine the amount of people who got car sick. We had people laying in the isles and taking sleeping pills to avoid it on the way back. I usually don't get car sick but by the end of it I just wanted to puke. It was pretty bad, but the drive itself was pretty to say the least.
This was my favorite day of the trip. We boarded a tour boat at 8:30am and didn't come back to port until 5pm. We spent all day touring the coast of Corsica and splashing through the Mediterranean. It was absolutely gorgeous! I had never seen something like this before! The boat was pulling in between huge caverns and rocks that had never been touched by man. We saw nature at it's peak. The water was so blue you could see for days to the bottom! We stopped at a small village on the way that only had 18 people living there. We had packed sack lunches that morning to take with us and eat when we stopped at the village. A few of us found a small swimming cove that was just a little bit of a hike around the hillside, but it was well worth it. One of the most beautiful views I have ever seen. It was amazing being able to eat our lunch on a rock, cliffside that overlooked miles of clear, blue Mediterranean. After getting back form the boat tour we were on our own for dinner so of course we resorted to a panini stand that we found, always a hit! They were amazing!
This was check-out day. The plan was to check out at 11am and have free time for the rest of the day until we had to be at the airport at 6. So my roommate and I decided to sleep in that morning and go down for breakfast, then pack our bags, checkout and roam the city. A stress free morning right? Wrong. We got a call from our director at 8:50am who was frantically trying to get a hold of all the students to tell them that the hotel had just informed her that our checkout time was 9am and that breakfast was also closing at 9am instead of 10am. Well well well, isn't that lovely. We had no time to shower, no time to get ready. It was basically, jump out of bed, run down to breakfast, run back up throw clothes in the bag without folding, sit on bag to zip it shut, checkout and then try to have a nice day on the town after all the hussle and bussle. Luckily it all worked out and we ended up having a really nice day. I spent more money than I probably should have, but I consider it money well spent. A group of 12 girls, including me, came across a piercing shop and decided they wanted to get their ears pierced. Of course I got suckered into it and got my second hole on my lobes pierced. It was definitely the most impulsive thing I had ever done, and it actually didn't even really hurt, which I was grateful for. At 5pm we loaded the buses and headed for the airport and said goodbye to Corsica. It was definitely a trip to remember that was filled with bonding, laughing, crying, and exquisite memories.
Hope this wasn't too boring for everyone to read! Just so much to tell, and I didn't even cover it all!
I Love the pictures. Corsica is beautiful! I have heard of it, but didn't really know anything about it, so thanks for the educational lesson too!
ReplyDeleteOh, and I LOVE your jacket it the piercing pictures.
Looks like you are having so much freakin' fun! I'm so jealous and totally Europe-sick now. Hopefully when Jake blog-stalks you he will be inspired to make our Europe trip happen :) Heck, I'll even move there! Any requests for your bday? Money? :)
I am having so much fun!!! Its amazing out here. Europe trip is a must, you definitely need to come over here. Have you ever been to Europe? You should for sure talk Jake into it. And as far as my birthday, I'm not asking for anything. It costs way too much to send stuff over here and takes forever, so just the thought was enough :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much guys! xoxo